Conder Flag Company's Charlotte Store - 4705 Dwight Evans Road, Charlotte, NC 28217

Visit Our Charlotte Store
Conveniently located at 4705 Dwight Evans Road in Charlotte, Conder Flag lies just minutes from Charlotte-Douglas International Airport, the Billy Graham Library and Uptown Charlotte. Stop by and select from our many patriotic products and flag accessories including:
- US, state and international flags
- Religious and historical flags
- Classroom flags
- Stick flags
- Patriotic bunting, fans, and pull-downs
- Home kits
- Mounted sets
- Indoor poles and bases
- Eagle and ball toppers
- Pole ornaments and finials
- Flagpoles and hardware
We can also design a custom flag for your business, neighborhood, family crest, school, church, etc. Let us know how we can create an affordable, custom-made flag or banner that conveys your personal or professional message.
Conder Flag Company
4705 Dwight Evans Road
Charlotte, NC 28217
Store Hours: 9am-4:30pm M-F
Toll Free: 1-855-344-1500
Fax: 704-529-5237